Anti-algae carafe
High concentration liquid anti-algae, compound based on surfactant products and with bactericidal, algaecidal and fungicidal power, to prevent the formation and development of algae.
Use biocides properly. Always read the information and label of the biocide before using it.
- Initial treatment: 2 liters of product per 100 m3.
- Maintenance treatment: Add once a week 0.50 liters of product for every 100 m3. These doses are indicative, and can be modified depending on the characteristics of each pool, weather, etc. Pour the necessary dose of product into a container with water and distribute said solution over the surface of the pool equally. The addition will be carried out preferably at sunset and without the presence of bathers in the pool water.
- Before using the product, read the label carefully.
- Do not use in any case in the presence of bathers.
- Ventilate adequately before entering the enclosure (in the case of indoor pools, spas, etc.).
- The purpose of this product is exclusively the treatment of swimming pool water, and it cannot be applied outside of this scope.
- The chemical treatment will not be carried out directly on the pool. The water must circulate through the different unitary treatment processes before passing into the pool. In situations of justified cause, the chemical treatment could be carried out in the pool itself and with the absence of bathers in it, guaranteeing a safety period before it is put into operation again.
- It may not be mixed with other chemical products.
- For use by the general public, the product may not change packaging.
- Incompatible with organic matter, anionic detergents, ammonia derivatives and hypochlorites.
- Incompatible with chrome, lead, aluminium, tin, zinc and their alloys (bronze, brass, etc.).
- Thoroughly rinse each container you use three times, pouring the wash water into the pool.
- In order to avoid risks to people and the environment, follow the instructions for use.
- Empty containers must be deposited at recycling points or at places established by local authorities in accordance with their respective ordinances.