Manufactured with "Sendzimir" galvanized sheet steel tube. It has a diameter of 45 mm. and 1.20 mm. thick, and the struts or supports are 40 mm. in diameter and 1.00 mm. thick. Supplied with all accessories mounted or welded.
Next, we show you the manufacturer's recommendations on the use of their products. Keep in mind that these recommendations are a reference that may vary depending on the conditions in which the fencing is to be placed. You can see a schematic of a generic assembly among the product images.
It is recommended that the spacing of the posts be 3.00 m. at 3.30 m. at most. Usually an intermediate post is inserted after installing 2 or 3 single posts, depending on the height of the fence. After the placement of the posts, each of the 3 wires that serve as a guide for the galvanized fabric are placed, passing through the holes in the posts. At the end of each wire (or earlier, if it is very long sections), a tensioner will be placed to give rigidity to the assembly. Subsequently, the galvanized mesh is placed over the wires, tying it to them with metal staples or fine wire.
The posts have an additional span of 30 to 35 cm. according to the height of the fence, to anchor them.
1 vertical post with 3 holes to pass the guide wires.
1 cap to prevent the entry of rain.
2 lugs to attach the struts to the vertical post.
2 struts.
Screws and nuts to secure the connection of the struts to the vertical post.