Improved conventional cementitious adhesive for interior plaster supports.
BEYEM FIR YESO is an improved conventional adhesive mortar, formulated based on white cement, selected granulometry mineral fillers and special additives to improve the workability and adherence of the material. Anti-hook. It allows the rectification of pieces. BEYEM FIR YESO is formulated with special additives that prevent the formation of expansive salts in a humid environment due to the reaction of the calcium sulphate of the gypsum-based supports with the cement of the adhesive mortar, thus avoiding the possible detachment of the ceramic coating.
Less handling and carrying of bonding materials.
Less layer thickness and less dead weight of the adherent product on the structure.
High water retention capacity.
High adhesive power that translates into remarkable mechanical resistance.
High open time, allows the rectification of parts.
Greater finesse. High plasticity.
High initial adhesion.
Does not pick up
Laying of medium and high absorption ceramics in plaster or stucco interior wall and floor coverings. Ideal for covering and solarizing interiors using small and medium-sized pieces of tiles and stoneware. Group IIb and III.
The useful supports for the application of BEYEM FIR YESO are:
Traditional plaster, projected plaster and high hardness plaster.
Precast plaster partition.
Conventional cement-based supports.
Mortar render.
Concrete floors.
The previously indicated supports must be healthy, clean, free of traces of paint, poorly adhered parts or substances that may hinder adhesion. All supports must have adequate flatness. The support must not have clear humidity problems and, where appropriate, it must have completed its curing shrinkage, having respected its maturation period. In case of heat, wind or on highly absorbent supports, it is advisable to moisten the support and wait for the water film to disappear. Do not apply on paints.
Knead BEYEM FIR YESO with 5.75 - 6.75 liters of clean water per 25 kg bag manually or with an electric mixer until a homogeneous, creamy and lump-free mixture is obtained. Let stand 5 minutes before application. The small format pieces are placed by "combing" the paste on the support with a 6x6 mm notched trowel. For formats larger than 400 cm2, an 8x8 mm notched trowel will be used. The tiles must be pressed until the adhesive grooves are crushed. The paste will spread on surfaces of approx. 1 m2 so that the time available between spreading the adhesive and placing the piece is less than the open time (20 to 30 minutes in normal conditions but can be reduced to 10 minutes in conditions of high temperatures and/or winds). It is convenient to check if the open time has expired or if the gluing is being correct, for this it is enough to place a piece and lift it from time to time to see if the adhesive remains adhered to both the support and the ceramic tile. A total wetting of the back of the tiles must be obtained.
BEYEM FIR YESO is packaged in 25 kg multi-ply paper bags with an anti-humidity layer.
Conservation: 12 months in original closed container, protected from humidity and in covered places.