VAT included

Especially indicated for the union of glass blocks indoors and outdoors.


BEYEM BLOCK is an adhesive mortar formulated with high resistance white cement, selected fine aggregates, resins and special additives that give it adherence, plasticity, impermeability, excellent workability and ease of cleaning.


Assembly and grouting in a single operation.
Excellent Finesse. High plasticity.
Excellent whiteness.
Waterproof and unalterable.
Indoor and outdoor application.
High mechanical resistance.
Greater resistance to water and thermal shocks.


Fixing, assembly and grouting of glass blocks in windows and partitions indoors or outdoors.


Useful supports for the application of BEYEM BLOCK are:

Glass blocks
Other conventional cement-based supports (on which to place glass blocks).

Preparación del soporte

Los soportes anteriormente indicados, especialmente bloques de vidrio,  deberán estar sanos, limpios, exentos de restos de pinturas, partes mal adheridas o sustancias que puedan dificultar la adherencia. Todos los soportes deberán tener la planeidad adecuada. El soporte no debe tener problemas claros de humedades y, en su caso,  debe haber finalizado su retracción de curado habiéndose respetado su período de maduración. En caso de calor, viento o sobre soportes muy absorbentes, conviene humedecer el soporte y esperar a la desaparición de la película de agua. No aplicar sobre yesos o pinturas.

How to use

Knead BEYEM BLOCK with 6.0-7.0 liters of clean water per 20kg bag manually or with an electric mixer until a homogeneous, creamy and lump-free mixture is obtained. Let stand 5 minutes before application.

In the composition of the wall, the cross braces or spacers available on the market for this purpose must be used (their use is essential). In addition, the wall must be reinforced with 4 or 6 mm rods (if the joint is 10 mm) or with 8 mm rods (for 16 mm joints). The adhesive is introduced into the gaps with a mason's trowel. The gaps are then grouted with the adhesive. When the adhesive is sufficiently hardened (1-2 hours), a sponge moistened with clean water will be passed to leave the joint with a fine finish and clean the blocks. The next day the final cleaning can be carried out by removing the remains of dust with a dry or slightly damp cloth.

Important notes

In the event of possible expansion or contraction, place an elastic perimeter joint to protect the walls or window openings in contact with the blocks.
Do not apply below 5ºC or above 30ºC.
Do not apply with risk of frost, rain, strong winds or direct sun.
Glass block partitions are not structural, so they will not support any load.
The maximum area of the partition will not exceed 20 m2.
It is important in the placement, to press the blocks to achieve a correct solidity of the pieces and to avoid gaps between the block and the support.
The temperature, ventilation, absorption of the support and of the different materials can cause the adjustability and drying times of the adhesive mortar to vary.


Data sheet

Presentation format
Bag of 20 kg

Specific References

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